Pregnancy In Isolation

Isolation and Pregnancy 01

Sangmo looks through the window with a hope to get out of her isolation room when she tests negative for COVID-19 completing the isolation period.

Isolation and pregnancy 02

Sangmo having a hot water with ginger and turmeric, a home remedy, which is believed to boost the immunity and fight infectious disease.

Isolation and Pregnancy 03

Steam inhalation is part of her daily routine.

Isolation and Pregnancy 04

Sangmo takes inside a food that her mother has left outside the door.

Isolation and Pregnancy 05

Sangmo interacts with her brother from inside her isolation-room maintaining safety precaution.

Isolation and Pregnancy 06


Isolation and Pregnancy 07

Pregnancy and COVID-19 induced fatigue, Sangmo lies down in the bed for an entire day.

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