Pregnancy In Isolation.

It was mid-night when I received a call from my wife, Sangmo. For some moments, I was shattered and anxious as I learned from her that she tested positive for COVID-19. The reason for my anxiety was her health condition; she was 28-week pregnant experiencing severe nausea and fatigue. Considering her safety, we had been staying apart as I didn’t want to put her at risk because of the nature of my job that requires covering news stories related to the COVID-19 situation in Kathmandu, Nepal. However, at the time she got infected, Nepal was witnessing coronavirus cases at an alarming rate along with the death toll and therefore, she couldn’t be an exception.

Sangmo had a mild symptom of loss of smell and cold hence she was home-isolated. It was not so easy to see and photographed her being isolated for 16 days. I got worried every time she felt unwell, realizing the situation of the health sector of the country, which ran out of basic services such as hospital beds, ICU, and ventilators. Although no major health issue was developed, she suffered so badly from the fatigue that she lied down on the bed almost for an entire isolation period. The corona virus-induced fatigue hit hard on her already exhausted pregnant body.

During the isolation, I made sure that she had plenty of fluids and a nutritious diet along with proper rest to boost the immunity. Each time, I see her, she would put a smile and say ” Don’t worry, I will be okay”. But I could read her eyes expressing uncertainty about the coronavirus that was challenging global health.

Despite all difficult times, she maintained high spirit and stayed positive throughout the isolation period. After 16 days, she recovered from the novel coronavirus infection.

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